This blog was begun as an act of recovery from a series of events which happened in January 2014. The kinds of things that happen in everyone's life, only in my case they happened in the course of a month: I broke my foot (and kept re-breaking during that snowy winter). My dear friend Laura died. A week later my mother died. Then a hinky mammogram: I was headed for a lumpectomy and radiation. I was immobilized, grieving and looking at months of mental and physical recovery, as well as the ordeal of dealing with a complicated estate.
I had been a long-time member of the Y (the one made famous by the Village People). I loved the people but even with both feet working, never seemed to get there. I was told I would tolerate radiation better if I were in shape, and lessen the chance of a recurrence by 40%. From where I stood

(on mostly two feet), that was a strong incentive. So I got an exercise bike. A week into radiation, I saw two Brompton bikes being carried out of a restaurant - and my life changed. No locks, no thieves, and totally portable? I'm in! The next day, I invested in a Brompton. The following day, I rode up to the GWB, got a bike map and began cycling to my radiation appointments.
Cycling has been life changing. It has led to travel, to political activism, to working for more livable streets for my block - and for the city. Most of all, and without looking for it, it has led to love.